Overseas Voting

To view the consolidated data of overseas voting results, you may visit https://2022electionresults.comelec.gov.ph/...
The Embassy respectfully informs our kababayans that in compliance with Section 68(d) of COMELEC Resolution No. 10751 and Section 38(c) of COMELEC Resolution No. 10751 both d...
For more information you can visit the website of the Embassy at www.philembassy.org.nz. For inquiries, please send us an email at ov.wellington@philembassy.org.nz or give us a call at 04-8903741.

To check if you're a registered voter: https://comelec.gov.ph/.../CLOV/ASIA_PAC/WELLINGTON.pdf
The Embassy is in constant coordination with the COMELEC, through the DFA-OVS, as most of the ballots have not reached our kababayans due...

The Embassy reminds our kababayans who have already received their ballots to send them back as early as possible, preferably by 02 May 2022.
Kindly note that the Embassy had already released all of its ballots and we are hoping that NZ Post can deliver them to you soonest.
For our kababayan...